Building a shed on or above a low spot of yard that builds up water.

by Trevor B
(Cold Lake)

Whats the best solution to building on a section that accumulates water during rain? Don't want shed to sink or shift. Shed type is a 10' X 10" Suncast resin shed.


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Try using a pier foundation to lift the shed
by: John

Hi Trevor,
The shed that you have selected is very water resistant, so a good choice.

In terms of supporting the shed my suggestion would be to raise the foundation of the shed on piers so that the base of the shed is clear of the maximum water level that occurs in your yard.

It would of course pay to check what the ground is like in that area if the ground is very silty or soft to depth then the shed pier solution might not be suitable. In which case driving timber piles might be the only solution to reach a suitable bearing strata (possibly a bit beyond the realms of most DIYers!).

If piers seem to work OK then make sure that you incorporate a Damp Proof Membrane to stop damp penetrating up into the timber sub floor that you install on the shed piers.

I have a good page on pier type foundations to get you started.

All the best


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