Collapsed metal shed roof

by Charles Nunnery
(Bowie, Md USA)

I have an 8'x10' metal shed which caved in from too much snow & not enough pitch! I want to build a wooden roof on top of the remaining metal walls. Do you have any ideas?

Reply from - Potter Shed:

Hi Charles,

Thanks for your question and I am sorry to hear about your troubles another visitor had a similar experience recently with snow overloading his shed roof.

I think that my general advice would be to recover as much of the metal siding to the walls of the shed as possible and to re-use it as metal siding on your new timber framed shed. Normally metal sheds are composed of panels that are flimsy by themselves but when bolted together as part of a pre-fabricated shed kit they become a lot stronger as they rely on each other to form the framework. My concern with putting a timber roof on the remains of your shed would be that this action would be missing.

If it was me I think that I would be now be looking at a timber framed shed with the benefit of 'free' metal siding.

Some pictures of the collapsed shed would be interesting.

All the best

Potter Shed

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Wood Sheds 4ever
by: Anonymous

I agree with Potter -sometime you get what you pay for-metals shed are for rental properties that people buy and only expect to last long enough till they move and they usually leave them when they vacate.

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