Comments for Extra durable shed roof

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Dec 04, 2009
One Word
by: GreenBoy


Ok - you may not want this as this will require a stronger roof structure, but man made slates are lighter and equaly durable.

Other options are corrugated plastic / bitument roofing sheets - doesnt look bad and again cant be pecked up easily - just remember to use an edging strip to stop insects and the wind getting in under it.

Hope this helps

Dec 04, 2009
Corrugated metal for shed roofs
by: John - Admin

The other material to consider is the corrugated metal sheets that are used on farm and industrial buildings. As well as the sheeting you will require a ridge piece and trimming pieces for the edge and sides. This can be fitted over a standard shed roof that has been constructed with ply, boards or OSB.

These materials are not commonly available at the big diy stores but look for a local cladding contractor and they may be able to help. The economy of this solution will be how well you establish a rapport with your supplier as the amounts that you are after will amount to offcuts for the type of building that they are commonly involved with.



Sep 21, 2011
by: Anonymous

I would also recommend box profile in sheets for your roof with an addition of a roof underlay. This will stop you having any problems with condensation.

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