Download a FREE SHED at Secrets of Shed Building

I started this page to celebrate National Shed Week here in the UK during July 2008. It has proved so popular that I have decided to extend the offer indefinitely!

If you haven't come across 3-dimensional pdf files before this is something new to discover. I created a 3 dimensional model of a Gabled shed just like the one shown in the image below. When you download the model you can rotate, zoom in, and inspect the shed from any angle you want to see how it is put together.

It's informative and fun!

Pop your details in the form below and the shed will be on your computer desktop in the next hour or so.




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I promise to use it only to send you Shed Building Monthly.

Here's what people have been saying about the 'Virtual shed'.

"John from Secrets of shed has been getting in the swing of things for National Shed Week by designing a virtual 'shedlike atmosphere' especially for the occasion. Simply click and follow the instructions."

Alex Johnson of - one of the co-organisers of Shed Week

"very clever that PDF 3d thing "Uncle Wilco - Organiser in Chief of National Shed Week and Shed of the Year -

Thanks for this - it's great!"

Mark B - Successful Virtual Shed downloader - UK

free shed

When you open the document there is a toolbar above the image, use this to select the function - rotate, spin, pan or zoom hold down the mouse and move it over the shed. It may take a bit of experimentation to get a good view of the area you want.

An added bonus that comes with the 'virtual shed' is a free subscription to this sites E-zine, Shed Building Monthly. If you enjoy the free information available on this site, you're sure to enjoy the free newsletter as well.

Shed Building Monthly

  • Do you want an easy, simple way to learn more about building sheds?

  • Keep up with the top answers and tips to shed building questions from our Mini-forum.

  • Would you like a FREE, downloadable, virtual shed?

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Shed Building Monthly - The name says it all, top tips and answers to readers questions every month. Once a month, on the first of the month.

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