Plastic Pallets as foundation?

by Ray Klein
(Cranston, RI, USA)

I scored most of my materials free, or at 70 % discount from Home Depot. I got some free plastic pallets and want to use them as a foundation for the playhouse that I am building for the grandkids.

It will measure 6x7x7 with an attached porch of 3x7. I want to put the floor joist makeup on top of the pallets. Any concerns or comments? Thanks in advance...

Comments for Plastic Pallets as foundation?

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Plastic shed base sounds a good idea
by: John

Hi Ray,
It's a bit difficult to comment without knowing the size or construction of these plastic pallets.

In principle it could be a very good idea to bury them in the ground filled with stone to form a solid base from which to build your shed. The pallets should hold the stone together and the stone should enable any water in the area to drain away.

I am assuming that the pallets are made from some fairly heavy duty plastic that is UV stabilised so there shouldn't be too much of a problem with durability.

The idea reminds me a bit of the plastic shed bases that are marketed in the UK. This article should give you a bit more background on how they are used.

Let me know how you get on with the project.

Kind regards


response to John
by: Anonymous

Thanks John, I cemented them into the soil with the feet, and sank a re-bar length into each corner and down into the wet cement, then filled the depressions with more cement. They should never rot, and will make a great barrier to the sills. Thanks, Ray

plastic pallets
by: dean

I want to do the same thing! I know you did this 4 years ago, but can u share any info on the rest? Some pics?, did u build the walls right on the pallets? How did u attach them? Are they strong enough for the weight of the roof?Etc

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