Preparing the ground for a shed

by Alison Hunter

We are preparing the ground for a shed! However, there is a slight slope - about 20 degrees. What is the best way of dealing with this?

1. Levelling it out, by excavating the soil
2. Building the site up, by adding some soil or patio base material?

If we do the first thing, there will be a 'dip' down to the shed, which may give problems with water running down to the shed. However, the shed won't sit so high and may look better, as it's not so prominent. I'm probably answering my own question!

Presumably, it's better to build the foundation up, in view of the drainage?

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Suggestions for foundation on sloping ground
by: John - Admin

Hi Alison,
Thanks for your question. The solution that you choose will very much depend on the aesthetics of your site, the type of shed you are building and how much time and money you want to put in to this.

The easiest solution is to build a shed pier type foundation so that you can build up a support at the front of the shed. This does however lift the whole shed up, which can be a good or bad thing dependant upon the site.

If you don't want the shed to dominate you can excavate some of the ground away and build a retaining wall around the perimeter to set your shed in to the ground a bit. This solution is heavy and costly. You have to dispose of the soil that you excavate and build a masonry retaining wall to hold the ground back.

This article on building a shed on sloping ground may help.

Let me know how you get on with your project.

All the best


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